From Peasant to Entrepreneur : The Survival of the Family Economy in Italy
Osnovne informacije
- Autor: Corner, Paul
- Nakladnik: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
- EAN: 9780854963096
- Dostupnost: Rasprodano
- Stanje: Nova knjiga
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Description The conspicuous success in Italy of a highly dynamic sector of small, rurally based manufacturing businesses has attracted a considerable amount of attention throughout both Europe and the United States in recent years. This book links this development in Italy to the processes of transformation of certain parts of the Italian countryside over the last hundred years and argues that the involvement of peasant families with both agricultural and industrial employment - a constant of the situation before the First World War - produced an entrepreneurial spirit that was subsequently reflected in the development of rural industries.
Dodatne informacije
- Autor:Corner, Paul
- Nakladnik:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC...
- Uvez:Hardback
- Jezik:Engleski
- Godina izdanja:1993
- Broj stranica:192
- EAN:9780854963096
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