Delay and Disruption claims in Construction : A Practical Approach
Osnovne informacije
- Autor: Haidar, Ali
- Nakladnik: ICE Publishing
- EAN: 9780727757050
- Dostupnost: 3
- Stanje: Nova knjiga
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Description The aim of the book is to provide readers with the practical knowledge, in a legal, contractual and technical framework, for understanding and preparing delay and disruption claims in the construction industry and to provide calculation methodologies for damages and mitigation mechanisms. This practical guide describes issues such as contractual obligations, how to write delay and disruption claims, legal reasoning behind validating claims, and the application of Critical Path Methods to calculate time delays and damages. The techniques discussed in the book can be used on projects of any size, under all forms of construction contract, and are applicable internationally.
Dodatne informacije
- Autor:Haidar, Ali
- Nakladnik:ICE Publishing...
- Uvez:Hardback
- Jezik:Engleski
- Godina izdanja:2011
- Broj stranica:122
- EAN:9780727757050
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