World's Finest Vol. 1 : The Lost Daughters Of Earth 2 (The New 52)
Osnovne informacije
- Autor: Levitz, Paul
- Nakladnik: DC Comics
- EAN: 9781401238346
- Dostupnost: 5
- Stanje: Nova knjiga
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GLS Croatia
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Rok dostave: 10-15 dana
3.50€ 26kn
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Description In the wake of The New 52, Paul Levitz teams with amazing artists George Perez and Kevin Maguire for a new ongoing series featuring Power Girl and Huntress of Earth 2! Discover why these two heroes are stranded on our Earth and what it means for the heroes of the DC Universe.
Dodatne informacije
- Autor:Levitz, Paul
- Nakladnik:DC Comics
- Uvez:Paperback
- Jezik:Engleski
- Godina izdanja:2013
- Broj stranica:144
- EAN:9781401238346
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