Administrative Law in Europe : Between Common Principles and National Traditions
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- Autor: Ruffert, M.
- Nakladnik: Europa Law Publishing
- EAN: 9789089521323
- Dostupnost: 3
- Stanje: Nova knjiga
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Description In various European countries, debates on the transformation of administrative law are held from a national perspective and with different intensity. Given the considerable effects such discussion may have on the methods of administrative legal scholarship, an analysis of these developments in a European context promises valuable results. For this purpose, a long term transnational exchange of ideas - between administrative law scholars from England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Sweden - was initiated in 2005 in Dornburg Castle and then continued with meetings in London (2007) and Paris (2009). This volume comprises the results of the fourth workshop of the Dornburg Research Group of New Administrative Law that took place in Dornburg in May 2012. The group scrutinized the relationship between national traditions and the evolution of common principles of European administrative law. It discussed to what extent theoretical, dogmatic, political, or historical national traditions prevent or enable the development of a European administrative law. (Series: European Administrative Law - Vol. 7)
Dodatne informacije
- Autor:Ruffert, M.
- Nakladnik:Europa Law Publishing
- Uvez:Paperback
- Jezik:Engleski
- Godina izdanja:2013
- Broj stranica:221
- EAN:9789089521323
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