Vascular Imaging : Direct Diagnosis in Radiology
Osnovne informacije
- Autor: Wolf, Karl-Jurgen
- Nakladnik: Thieme Publishing Group
- EAN: 9783131451811
- Dostupnost: 3
- Stanje: Nova knjiga
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Description Dx-Direct is a series of eleven Thieme books covering the main subspecialties in radiology. It includes all the cases you are most likely to see in your typical working day as a radiologist. For each condition or disease you will find the information you need -- with just the right level of detail. Dx-Direct gets to the point: - Definitions, Epidemiology, Etiology, and Imaging Signs - Typical Presentation, Treatment Options, Course and Prognosis - Differential Diagnosis, Tips and Pitfalls, and Key References ...all combined with high-quality diagnostic images. Whether you are a resident or a trainee, preparing for board examinations or just looking for a superbly organized reference: Dx-Direct is the high-yield choice for you! The series covers the full spectrum of radiology subspecialties including: Brain Gastrointestinal Cardiac Breast Urogenital Spinal Head and Neck Musculoskeletal Pediatric Thoracic Vascular
Dodatne informacije
- Autor:Wolf, Karl-Jurgen
- Nakladnik:Thieme Publishing Group...
- Uvez:Paperback
- Jezik:Engleski
- Godina izdanja:2009
- Broj stranica:252
- EAN:9783131451811
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